by SD Fertility Acupuncture | Oct 27, 2010 | Pregnancy
So you might have found out that you were pregnant just a few weeks or days ago, but you may already be feeling the constant nausea that many women experience throughout their first trimester. Here are some simple tips you can do to make1st trimester pregnancy more...
by SD Fertility Acupuncture | Jun 3, 2010 | Health Blog, Resources
Polycystic ovary syndrome breakthrough – Acupuncture and exercise normalize hormones – Article at Natural News is based off of a interesting study done by American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, of women with PCOS, integrating...
by SD Fertility Acupuncture | Jun 3, 2010 | Fertility, Health Blog
For many women, the main goal in life is to have children and raise a family. We have been led to believe since adolescence, that before doing that, we need to get our life in gear, have a career, a perfect partner, and financial stability. So we start our journey,...
by SD Fertility Acupuncture | Jun 3, 2010 | Fertility, Health Blog
You are what you eat. What you put into you body has a huge effect on the functioning of your systems….yes, even your reproductive system. A well balanced, nutritious diet is essential for the formation of an embryo in your body, and for its further development for 9...